
This is how we calculate your benefit rate

The amount paid to you in benefits depends on your income from work before you became unemployed.

You will, however, not be entitled to more than 90% of your salary before you became unemployed.

If you are full-time insured, you can receive up to the maximum monthly benefit rate of DKK 21,092 before tax. 

You will be entitled to the maximum benefit rate if you have had a monthly average income from work of at least DKK 25,474. 

You can be entitled to an employment supplement of up to DKK 3,978 on top of your monthly benefits for the first three months you’re unemployed. To get the maximum supplement you must have had a monthly average income of DKK 30,278.

To receive the highest monthly rate for part-time insured of DKK 14,061 before tax, you must have had a monthly average income from work of at least DKK 16,982.

You can be entitled to an employment supplement of up to DKK 2,652 on top of your monthly benefits for the first three months you’re unemployed. To get the maximum supplement you must have had a monthly average income of DKK 20,185. 

There are no lower limit for your benefit rate.

Benefits for new graduates

There are different possibillities for you as a new graduate

Benefit rates

Click here for a list of current benefit rates

We calculate your average income from work as an average of income earned during the twelve best income months within the past 24 months.

Only income from work in the months you have been a member of an unemployment insurance fund is included in the calculation.

If you do not have income from work for 12 months in the last 24-month period, but, for example, only for ten months, we base the calculation of the average income on the ten months.

Have you had no income from work at all in the past 24 months, we look at the last 36 months and calculate your rate on the basis of your average earned income in that period.

Once your benefit rate has been calculated, you cannot get a new rate until you have earned the right to a new benefit period

NOTE: If income has previously been used to calculate a benefit rate for you, it cannot be used to calculate a new rate.