Newly graduated
Contact CA within 14 days of your graduation - whether you’re unemployed or already working. It is important that you do so, even if you already have a job. In this way, you ensure that you can apply for unemployment benefits if you need it now or later. We also help you make a good start to your new career after graduation.
Congratulations on your graduation!
Your studies are over, and it’s now time to put your learning into practice.
Perhaps you have already found a job, or you may be searching for jobs.
No matter what, you face new challenges and work that you are to embark on. And this is where we at CA can help you - not only when you start your new life after graduation, but throughout your career.
Financial security with benefits
As a new graduate, you can become a graduate member with special benefit rights.
That makes you financially secure with benefits if you are unemployed after the end of your studies or if you later lose your job.
3 things you must be aware of after graduation
- Change your status to graduate membership within 14 days after your graduation. Then you’re sure to receive benefits when you need them. Change your status
- You must register as unemployed at the Jobcenter's website,, on your first day of unemployment. The earliest you can get benefits is the day you register as unemployed with the Jobcenter. Read more here
- This is how you can get your benefit rights after graduation.
Make sure your information at CA are updated to get rights to benefits
To get benefit rights as a new graduate, you must update your study status in our system.
If you have finished studying you must fill in the form change status to graduated.
You must also change your status to new graduate if you find a job immediately after your graduation, or if you have completed a bachelor’s degree and continue to study for a master’s degree.
Then you’re sure to receive benefits if you become unemployed within the next couple of years.
If you are not a student member, you can join CA as a new graduate.
If you graduate after the date you have previously given us, you must inform us of the new date.
You must change your membership status and state that you continue studying for a master’s degree.
Then you can continue your free student membership without having to pay membership fees. However, you can be exempt from membership fees for no more than five years.
The amount of your membership fee depends on wheter you apply for membership as full-time or part-time insured
5 things you need to do if you are unemployed after graduation
You have to register as unemployed from the first day of unemployment after graduation.
Read about how and when to recieve benefits - and how studentjobs, selfemployment and studies abroad can affect your right to benefits.

5 things you need to do if you are unemployed after graduation
You have to register as unemployed from the first day of unemployment after graduation.
Read about how and when to recieve benefits - and how studentjobs, selfemployment and studies abroad can affect your right to benefits.
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