
When is the last date to join the early retirement scheme?

The last date when you can join the early retirement scheme depends on when you were born:

  • If you were born on 1 January 1978 or later, you must begin to pay into the early retirement scheme on your 30th birthday
  • If you were born in the period 1 January 1976 until and including 31 December 1977, you must begin to pay into the early retirement scheme on your 32nd birthday
  • If you were born in the period 1 January 1959 until and including 31 December 1975, you must pay into the early retirement scheme for a continuous period from 1 January 2008 until your early retirement age
  • If you were born before 1977 and have never paid into the early retirement scheme, it is too late to join now. On certain conditions, you may, however, be allowed to cancel your opt-out.

You must pay into the early retirement scheme for at least 30 years. You may start paying into the scheme before your 30th birthday. This will enable you to later pause payments into the early retirement scheme.

  • If you were born before 1 January 1976, you will not be required to pay for the full 30-year period.
  • If you were born between 2 July 1962 and 31 December 1975 and if you have paid into the early retirement scheme before your 35th birthday and/or in year 2007, you will be entitled to pause payments into the scheme on certain conditions.