
Data Protection Policy

CA collects personal data only when this is relevant and necessary. At the same time, we place high demands on the security of our IT systems to ensure optimal protection of the collected personal data at all times. 

Subject to unemployment fund regulations, CA’s level of IT and information security is reviewed once a year by external auditors. When CA uses external suppliers for the handling of personal data, we always make the agreements necessary to ensure the protection of your information. 

Pseudonymization and deletion

CA will pseudonymize your personal data on your request. This means that your personal information is masked and subsequently accessible only for CA staff responsible for data handling. However, due to CA’s status as an unemployment fund subject to unemployment fund regulation, the degree of pseudonymization depends on the type of information in question, and the purposes for which it is used.

All other handling of personal information by CA not subject to unemployment fund regulation is stored in our internal systems for statistical and marketing purposes. This personal information is not deleted unless requested by you. For the purposes of documentation, it is stored for three years following your request for deletion.

Below, we provide an overview of the personal information stored by CA, the uses of the information and your rights as a CA member.

As an unemployment fund, CA is subject to special obligations that require the collection of personal data. In general, unemployment fund regulations do not oblige us to ask for your consent before receiving or passing on this information.

We collect the following personal data in connection with your membership registration with CA. The information is used for casework procedures and billing of the membership fee:

  • CPR (civil registration) number
  • Full name
  • Postal address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Place of education
  • Membership of another unemployment fund
  • Nationality
  • Any former membership/membership fee arrears with another unemployment fund.

For the same purposes, we also share various information with other unemployment funds, municipalities and other authorities, including:

  • The tax authorities
  • The Ministry of Employment 
  • Udbetaling Danmark (public benefit payments administration)
  • The CPR registry
  • The Danish Agency of Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR)
  • Statistics Denmark
  • FerieKonto (holiday pay administration)
  • Center for Klager om Arbejdsløshedsforsikring (unemployment benefit appeals)
  • Municipalities
  • Other unemployment funds 
  • Other authorities in the EEA area.

Such information is exchanged only when this is relevant. For example, we will subscribe to address information from the CPR registry or share information with the tax authorities, FerieKonto, etc., only as long as you are a member of CA.

Automatic decision-making

CA uses automatic decision-making. This means that our IT systems automatically assess and approve all received forms, if possible. Complex cases and refusals of applications will always be handled by CA staff. 

If you are in doubt whether your case was handled automatically, please feel free to contact us. If your case was handled automatically, you can always ask our staff to review your case.


When your casework procedure is completed or your unemployment period ends, you may receive an electronic evaluation form, which you have the option to complete. Your personal information and your evaluation are stored safely with restricted user access for statistical purposes. 


To avoid annoyance, CA’s existing members will not be targeted by our online marketing activities through advertising services. This is ensured by supplying the advertising service with the email addresses and/or telephone numbers of those to be excepted. The information is furthermore used for the advertising services’ targeting of CA’s advertising towards persons whose profiles resemble those of CA members.
At any time, you can ask for your contact data not to be exchanged with advertising services by writing to persondata@ca.dk stating: ”I do not wish my information to be exchanged for marketing purposes.” (“Jeg frabeder mig dataudveksling ved annoncering.”)

CV and availability assessment meetings

In connection with the obligatory CV and availability assessment meetings, we access the personal data that already appears in our systems, as they may be relevant for your entitlement to benefits.

Only in exceptional cases do we collect new information for these purposes. To retrieve your data in our systems we may ask you to supply your name, telephone number or date of birth. As a rule, bookings for meetings are made by you, using CA’s booking system, which is securely SSL-encrypted. SSL is short for Secure Sockets Layer, which is a global industry standard ensuring that your data is encrypted to allow access to the entered information only for you and CA.

Before the meetings, you will be asked to supply information about your previous job titles. This information is collected via CA’s self-service and entered into your file. 


Following obligatory meetings, you may receive an electronic evaluation form, which you have the option to complete. Your personal information and the evaluation are stored safely with restricted user access for statistical purposes.

Meetings at the Jobcenter 

When requested by a CA member, we will participate in the obligatory joint meetings at the Jobcenter. In such cases, CA receives an invitation from the Jobcenter via an encrypted email account. No minutes are taken; our systems register only that a meeting has taken place.

You can always refuse CA’s participation in the meetings. This is done by contacting either the Jobcenter or CA. 

Benefit forms, early retirement forms, unemployment statements, etc., may be submitted via CA’s Self-service. You can likewise review all correspondence and payment specifications from CA to you since 1 March 2013.

To use CA’s self-service, you must be registered in CA’s member system. You need to use your MitID to log in to CA’s website. CA’s self-service is internally hosted, secured with SSL-encryption; the system likewise communicates securely with CA’s other systems. SSL is short for Secure Sockets Layer, which is a global industry standard ensuring that your data is encrypted to allow access to the entered information only by you and CA.

All documents and correspondence are saved in our system as long as you are a member of CA, or as long as we are obliged to store the information.

By telephone

When you call CA, we register the time, duration and the staff member taking the call. This information is used for statistical purposes and if we need to find out with whom you spoke and when. Unless otherwise agreed during the conversation, we neither take notes of nor record its content.

After the call you may receive an email with an electronic evaluation form, which you may choose to complete. We securely store your personal information and your evaluation for statistical use.

By email

As regular email correspondence to us might not be encrypted, we recommend that you do not supply your CPR number and offer as little personal information as possible. We have established a secure platform for the sharing of documents and messages with CA to enable you to email us via a secure connection.

All emails sent to our main email addresses are deleted from our servers each month. After deletion, a backup which can be restored only by our IT department is saved for five years.

Contact in person

When you contact CA in person at one of our offices, your personal data will be handled confidentially. For example, if you share confidential information or personal data with us, we will ensure that no one else can access it. For casework procedures, we will always ask you present a form of ID, for example your health insurance card, to avoid others from overhearing your personal details.


In our Gentofte offices all casework procedures take place in rooms adjacent to the reception area to ensure that you receive help and your questions are answered without anyone overhearing it. 

Aalborg, Odense and Kolding

Our offices in Aalborg, Odense and Kolding do not handle cases.


In our Aarhus office casework procedures may occur at the reception desk. To avoid unauthorized persons from linking casework procedures with your person, you will not be asked to supply personal data orally. Instead we will ask you present a form of ID, for example your health insurance card.

Voluntary counselling

CA members have the opportunity to book both face-to-face and telephone career counselling. An appointment for career counselling is booked either by calling or emailing us. In this situation we ask you not to forward any other personal data than your name and membership number or date of birth and possibly your telephone number, as your data already appears in our systems. 

During the meeting, a brief summary is made of the content of the meeting and added to your personal data in our membership system. The registration aims at giving you the best service by enabling the career counsellors to continue the dialogue in future meetings or share information with a colleague who is better suited to help you. 

The agenda and other information for use in the meeting that you send to us via email are copied into our membership system, after which your email is deleted.


Following the counselling session you may receive an electronic evaluation form, which you have the option to complete. Your personal information and the evaluation are stored safely for statistical purposes, with restricted user access.

Testing in connection with courses and counselling

CA members have the opportunity to take various types of personality and career tests. The test results are stored in a secure system with restricted user access. Only certified career counsellors are authorized to handle your data in connection with test feedback. This information will not be shared with others. During the tests, you are asked to indicate for how long CA may store your information.

You can ask us to delete your test responses at any time. When deleted by CA, no one has access to your data.

Courses, webinars, lectures, etc.

Registration for CA events takes place via our platforms. 

For courses with external instructors we may supply your name, date of birth and email address to the instructor, who will use the information exclusively for registration of your participation.

When you register for a CA+ course, we forward your information to the cooperating partner providing the course. Depending on the course in question, we supply your name, postal address, email address and telephone number. The cooperating partner will use your postal address to supply study materials for preparation. Your email address and telephone number are used for practical information and will not be used for spam. 

Following your participation, you will receive an electronic evaluation form, which you have the option to complete. Any personal information about you and the evaluation is stored safely with restricted user access for statistical purposes.

CA-Connect is a group on the social media platform LinkedIn, which is an independent platform with its own rules for the handling of personal information. We do not collect your personal information, but you have the option to indicate that you are open for new career opportunities. 


When you register for a course with user payment, information about the following is shared with our external partner: 

  • Name
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number. 

The partner will use your personal information exclusively for supplying course materials or messages relating to the course. Your information will subsequently be deleted.

Legal Support

When you contact CA Legal Support, information about the following is shared with Bird & Bird Advokatpartnerselskab: 

  • Name
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • CPR number
  • Membership seniority

Bird & Bird Advokatpartnerselskab is serviced by a professional team of lawyers with prolonged and extensive experience working in employment law. Data is exchanged in order to update membership information and is subject to a six-year deletion deadline pursuant to tax control and accounting law. Click here to learn more about Bird & Bird Advokatpartnerselskab’s data protection policy.

Other handling

Other handling of your personal information will be stored in our internal systems with restricted user access for statistical and marketing purposes. This personal information is not deleted, unless so requested by you. For the purposes of documentation, we store your personal information for eight years following the expiry of your membership, irrespective of any request from you for deletion. 

CA Income Protection is delivered to CA members by AmTrust Insurers in co-operation with Marsh. As CA is not involved in the administration of the scheme, you may likewise be asked to submit further information to AmTrust and Marsh, for example concerning your unemployment benefit entitlement. At registration with CA Income Protection, you will be asked to supply the following personal information:

  • CPR number
  • Full name
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Banking information

Information concerning your membership of CA Income Protection is exchanged and updated between CA and CA Income Protection using a secure server with limited user access. Click here to learn more about CA Income Protection’s data protection policy.

CA members are offered private insurance via Tryg Insurance. If you request a call from Tryg Insurance via our website, we collect the following personal data:

  • Telephone number

On CA.dk you can also either book a meeting directly at Tryg Insurance or buy a 'studieforsikring'. this is handled by webtools provided by Tryg and all data is therefore collected by Tryg and CA has no access to them.

Information concerning your wish for contact with Tryg Insurance and a possible meeting or customer relationship is exchanged and updated by CA and Tryg Insurance using a secure server with limited user access. Click here to learn more about Tryg Insurance’s data protection policy.

If you wish to take advantage of membership offers from, e.g., Politiken, Jyllands-Posten, CA Student Insurance, Advodan and course providers other than CA, you are transferred from CA’s platform and asked to submit various personal information to our partners’ respective websites.

Information is handled by our partners according to their own data protection policies. However, for validation of your membership, CA and our partners exchange and update this information using a secure server with limited user access.

CA Salary Checker is operated by CA+. When you register with CA Salary Checker your information is submitted to both CA and CA+, who will subsequently exchange the following personal information about you:

  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Year of birth
  • Employer’s post code
  • Daily commute time in minutes
  • Gender
  • Education
  • Professional experience
  • Title of position, industry, career level, working hours, employee benefits
  • Pay, holiday and pension.

The information is handled by both CA and CA+ and are exchanged and updated between CA and CA+ using a secure server with restricted user access. Data is exchanged for the purposes of handling user requests, monitoring the number of site users, performing statistical comparison of salary data and the registration of CA|NYT newsletter subscriptions.

As salary data is considered particularly sensitive information, access is strictly controlled and limited to selected staff members. If salary data is used for purposes other than statistical, it will always be anonymized.

Emailed requests concerning CA Salary Checker are stored in our Outlook system and deleted every month.

CA offers to review your CV and application via our Instant Feedback solution. The Instant Feedback solution’s collection and handling of your personal and other information are described at: Link

Participation in CA’s events or subscription to CA's newsletters is not reserved for our members. At registration for either, you will be asked to supply the following personal data:

  • Name
  • Postal address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Professional subject areas

By registering, you consent to be contacted by CA to discuss the advantages of CA membership. The information is securely stored, with restricted user access. In the case of telephone contact, we use a third-party application with no access to your personal data for extraneous interests.

All personal information submitted at registration is deleted once a year, unless it is used for interactions (distribution of newsletters, telephone contacts, etc.). For the purposes of documentation, we store your personal information for a maximum of three years following our latest interaction.


Registration for CA courses, webinars, workshops, lectures and after-work meetings takes place via our platforms.

For courses involving external instructors we are entitled to supply your name, date of birth and email address to the instructor, who will use the information exclusively for the registration of your participation.

When you register for a CA+ course, we will forward your information to the cooperating partner providing the course. Depending on the course in question, we supply your name, postal address, email address and telephone number.

The instructor will use your postal address to supply study materials for preparation. Your email address and telephone number are used for practical information and will not be used to pursue extraneous interests.

After the course you will receive an electronic evaluation form, which you have the option to complete. Any personal information and your evaluation are stored safely with restricted user access for statistical purposes.

To participate in competitions, download ebooks and access similar services on our website and other platforms, you may be asked to provide personal data, including your name, telephone number and email address. By registering, you consent to being contacted by CA to discuss the advantages of CA membership. The information is stored securely and with limited access. 

In relation to the completion of forms and telephone contacts, we use a third-party application with no access to your personal data to pursue extraneous interests. All personal data submitted at registration is deleted once a year, unless it is used for interactions (distribution of newsletters, telephone contacts, etc.). For the purposes of documentation, we store your personal information for a maximum of three years following your latest interaction.

Applications for a job at CA should be sent to ansoegere@ca.dk. Applications addressed to other CA mail addresses will be deleted on receipt.

When applying for a job at CA, your personal data is stored until the application process is completed. This means that, unless you are offered a position, your information will be deleted as soon as you receive conclusive information about your application. This applies whether the position was advertised or you sent an unsolicited application.

If you are hired by CA, you will be informed about our handling of employees’ personal data.

If you experience technical problems when visiting our website, for example CA Self-service, our IT department is ready to help you. In such cases, our IT department offers remote support in which you allow us to access your computer screen. This service is offered only if you give voluntary consent.

For support via remote access, we use a third-party application with no access to your personal data for extraneous interests.

In connection with events hosted by CA, so-called situations photos may be taken and video recording may occur. If a person cannot be recognized from such images, the recordings are not covered by regulations concerning the protection of personal data. As a consequence, you will not be asked to give consent. You can, however, tell CA that you do not wish to appear in pictures or recordings. The same applies to earlier recordings.

In the case of portrait photos, personal interviews and similar, we will always ask for a declaration of consent or make separate agreements. 

Images may be used for example in newsletters and on CA’s website and social media five years from the day of recording, unless otherwise agreed. Images are securely filed and deleted after eight years, unless otherwise agreed.

We use cookies and other tracking technologies, including pixels, on our website and in emails sent to you.

They help us measure which pages are visited, and analyze users’ click behavior on the website and in emails. They can also be used, for example, to customize messages to better match your interests, so we can improve our service and personalize content for you on our website, in emails, and in advertisements.

Cookies and other tracking technologies are not dangerous to your computer and cannot identify you as a person, but only recognize your computer, from which we obtain data, including your IP address.

For the same purpose, users’ behavior is linked with our CRM system.

On CA’s websites, Cookiebot is used to handle cookies. Therefore, you will be able to see the name and description of all cookies on the pages. Furthermore, you will be able to reject or accept cookies.

In certain cases, we also use your personal information to personalize our content for you. This applies, for example, to the content on our website, but also in the emails we send to you based on your consent, and the advertisements that we target you with on social media.

Our personalized content is made possible by the personal information that you have given to us, your registrations, purchases, and by tracking your user behavior on our website, emails, and advertisements.

You can read more about the tracking technologies that we use, and which are based on consent, in our Cookie Policy.

Appeals against decisions concerning benefit payments

If your application for a payment from CA is not fully met, we must make a decision. The decision must be motivated, give an account of the case and refer to the relevant regulations. Information about appeal procedures is also given.

In general, we will contact you before making a decision to give you an opportunity to supply further information. It is your duty to inform us of any matter of consequence for your entitlement to a payment, etc., and to co-operate on procuring the necessary information.

If you appeal our decision within the four-week deadline, and our position is unchanged, we will forward the case using a secure system, with all relevant supporting documentation to the appeals body, the Danish Agency of Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR). We will process the case within four weeks of receiving your complaint. 

Decisions made by STAR can be appealed to Ankestyrelsens Beskæftigelsesudvalg.

Complaints concerning the handling of personal data

If you wish to make a complaint about our handling of your personal data, it should be addressed to our data protection officer at:

Tel. 3314 9045

If we cannot resolve the case amicably or you disagree with our decision, you can appeal to the Danish Data Protection Agency.