You are welcome to call us. We are ready to help you.
Call us
You are welcome to call us. We are ready to help you Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 15:00.
3314 9045
Write to us
You can write to us directly. Simply select the topic you want to contact us about.
Send us a document
If you need to send documents directly to us, you should do so via a secure connection.
Busy phone hours
Depending on when you call, there may be a short wait. Here you can see when we experience busy phone numbers and you can therefore expect a short wait.
CA's locations
CA Copenhagen
Smakkedalen 2
2820 Gentofte
Attendance by appointment
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday: 8.30am - 3.30pm
Friday: 9.00am - 3.00pm
CA Aarhus
Hans Hartvig Seedorffs Stræde 6-8, 3rd floor
8000 Aarhus C
Attendance by appointment
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday: 8.30am - 3.30pm
Friday: 9.00am - 3.00pm
CA Kolding
House of Innovation
Jernbanegade 27
6000 Kolding
Go up the stairs and to the left. Report your arrival at the electronic stand.
Opening hours
By appointment
CA Odense
Kochsgade 31, entrance D, living room
5000 Odense C
Follow the signs when you enter the door.
Opening hours
By appointment
CA Aalborg
BOXIT Flexoffice
Østre Alle 102, 4th floor
9000 Aalborg
Take the elevator to the 4th floor and take a seat in the lounge area outside the elevator.
Opening hours
By appointment
CA Career Partner and Unemployment Insurance Fund
Smakkedalen 2
2820 Gentofte
Phone: 3314 9045
Send a message
Phone hours
Monday - Friday: 08:30am - 3:00pm
CVR: 10 63 12 03
Bank: 5010 1129042
IBAN no.: DK4850100001129042
BIC code/SWIFT address: JYBADKKK
EAN: 5790002243356
CA Advokatjælp
Bird & Bird Advokatpartnerselskab
Telephone: 7020 2288
Telephone hours
Workdays: 9.00 - 15.00
Read more about legal assistance
CVR: 32 69 33 69
Bank: 5078 1261677
IBAN no.: DK9850780001261677
BIC code/SWIFT address: JYBADKKK
CA Lønsikring (Income Insurance)
Marsh, Teknikerbyen 1
2830 Virum
Phone: 4595 4671
Phone hours
Monday - Friday: 09.00am - 3.00pm